Take A Deep Dive into
Brush Techniques
Master your drumming with Stanislavski Music's online courses

Lateral Brush Techniques
Not sure where to start? Jump in to take a  deep-dive into lateral brush techniques.

Core Techniques
Turn those lateral brush techniques into 3 patterns that build endless grooves.

Lateral Brush Routine
Challenge yourself with this 20-minute routine that's filled with mountains of vocabulary.

Play Brushes As Smooth As A Rhino On A Slip 'N SlideÂ
Introduction To Lateral Brush Techniques is a 4-week crash course in brush playing that will have you sweeping around the head with elegance and mastery. Whether you’re a beginner drummer who wants to develop some solid chops, a weekend warrior looking to expand your bag of tricks, or a seasoned pro looking to add a little extra spice to your patterns, Lateral Brush Techniques is the course for you.
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Jeremy Li
"This course provided me clear patterns that are usable and easy to remember. Using the train tracks guide illustrated a strong link between all styles and didn't require me to learn an extreme amount of choreography."
Max Logosha
"It’s a great course that's worth every dollar! I think it’s good for any level if you are beginner or professional drummer. All lessons were explained very well and each week I discovered new possibilities of self expression through brushes. Very thankful for the amazing work that Anthony put into this course."
Gary Evans
"Intro to lateral brush techniques was such a great course and the Zoom Meetings were an excellent addition, well worth the money spent. I will gladly do more of Anthony’s courses."

4-Week Advanced Brush Course
Core Techniques takes you on a step-by-step course of lateral techniques that is guaranteed to make you a better all-round drummer. Learn the Three Core Techniques that will serve as a FRAMEWORK for many grooves, and for you to put your own ideas upon.
Register NowAndy Ball
"Anthony, I've got to say I'm absolutely blown away with your content and the originality of how it's all been put together. This courses have been a dream and I've really not seen anything like this anywhere else. Bravo for getting it all together."

The Perfect Brush Warmup
Brushes are designed to be swept.
It's what makes them unique in sound, feel and dynamics. The Stanislavski™ Lateral Brush Routine is a collection of lateral strokes that will teach you how to harness beautiful sound, develop 4-way coordination, and gain a huge amount of improvisational vocabulary.
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Nathan Power
My brush playing is feeling stronger than it ever has. I came out of the course with a ton of sticking ideas, a strong idea of how to use them musically and a great 20-minute warm-up that I can use to get my hands and feet moving. I can highly recommend this course.

Brush Grooves On Demand
Is a one-stop shop for learning how to play brushes in any style that requires them. It honestly has everything you need for any gig or recording where brushes are required.
Whether you're picking up the brushes for the first time, or you're a seasoned pro just looking for more ideas, this course is for every drummer.
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